Choose, Change & Become is our international programme for youth leadership. Its aim is to help young leaders develop their inner capacity to make values-based choices and decisions that lead to positive, constructive action for their societies and the world. …
A Good Analogy By Thomas Odhiambo THERE IS AN IMPRESSION SOME PEOPLE HAVE that during silence nothing is happening. There is no movement, no engagement. My own experience is that a great deal is happening during silence and that, in …
Reflecting on the Self in the Mirror of Silence By Farah Daghistani IT IS DIFFICULT TO CONVEY IN WORDS WHAT IS best learned in silence. I had underestimated how unprepared I was to talk about the experience of silence in …
Meeting in Safe Spaces By Peter Senge IT IS TRAGIC THAT PEOPLE TO WHOM we give a fair amount of responsibility for our societies and for our social well-being rarely ever get to have real conversations where they can talk …
Relax – Reconnect – Refresh – Recharge We all need time away from our regular routines to go deeper inside and discover new aspects of ourselves – time to explore our inner world. Retreats are one way to take time out …
South Africa Making a Difference Brahma Kumaris in Cape Town teach meditation weekly as a therapeutic intervention, part of a three month skills and youth development programme run by the Chrysalis Academy, a youth development centre. The young people on …
“Creating a Climate for Change” At the core of Brahma Kumaris’ work is the understanding of the connection between our consciousness, thoughts and actions, and their impact on the world. It has been seen that long-lasting change in any social …
Renewable Energy for the Future Solar Energy For almost 25 years, Brahma Kumaris and its sister organisation, the World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a recognised scientific and industrial research organisation in India, have been conducting training, research and development in …
“If we want to live in a truly sustainable world a shift is needed in all our hearts and minds” This initiative encourages greater understanding of the role of consciousness and lifestyle in environmental issues, through dialogues, partnerships, participation in …
Basil Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium. Basil is also a good source of magnesium, which promotes cardiovascular health by prompting muscles and blood vessels to relax, thus improving blood flow …