Special Greetings of the New Year, There is a longing in the world for reassurance and hope as we move into the year ahead. We are hoping for a spiritual lift. Though we often make New Year’s resolutions, we sometimes …
Exploring Our Inner Resources organised by the Library Services under the Commission for Youth in collaboration with Brahma Kumaris. Some 35 youths are following the above program from 8th to 25th September 2020 at Centre for Leisure & Culture, Mon …
This Divali ….. let’s Illuminate our lives with the pure light of God’s love and might and bring forth a world of unending peace and happiness … The Brahma Kumaris family invites you to celebrate Divali with the feeling of …
Diwali is one of the most popular festivals celebrated over the whole world. It is well known as ‘the festival of light.’ Houses, temples and commercial buildings are so marvelously illuminated with decorative light-bulbs. Although we may belong to different …
On August 15th 2019, Hindu women will tie rakhis (beautiful threads) on the right wrists of their brothers, apply tilaks (sacred marks) to the centers of their foreheads and offer them sweets. As they pray for their brothers’ welfare, their …
The Global Environment is a reflection of the human nature. Therefore, the quality of environment becomes the direct responsibility of everybody – both individually and collectively. Only by befriending nature can we achieve lasting well-being for everyone. But unfortunately, everyone …
Pâques, le renouveau. Comme la nature qui renaît après un long hiver et nous offre ses fleurs. C’est l’âme qui danse à sa nouvelle conscience grâce à la musique de la flûte magique (La connaissance divine) et partage ce bonheur avec …
Donc, nous allons brûler les branches sèches de nos faiblesses, nos imperfections et nos rancunes pour les autres. Disons plutôt pardonner et s’imprégner de la perfection et de la bonté. Laissons-nous supprimer tout ce que nous retenons dans nos esprits …
Happiness is a feeling that can be conveyed by many words like bliss, glee, felicity, joy, pleasure, intoxication, cheerfulness, gaiety, delight, nirvana, excitement, merriment, celebration, revelling, zeal, enthusiasm. Everyone has achieved these moments of cloud nine after doing things with …